Rinconcito - Amor as lucha

Art mini lessons

  • Lesson #4

    Trust that even in your unfinished pieces and your doodles, stuff is happening. Even when it's all you do for a month - stuff is happening. You're still learning, growing, getting ideas for other work, and just... being. A capitalist society that glorifies productivity will have you believe that only finished pieces are proof that you're moving forward - this is untrue

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  • Lesson #3

    This one's about art collabs - Set boundaries when collaborating with others that honors everyone's contributions and sets clear expectations. Boundaries should not create barriers for working together, they should be there to make all collaborators' input / creativity be heard / seen and respected

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  • Lesson #2

    Your sketchbook can have pages that do not fill any purpose other than just being - not everything you draw has to be a lesson, a plan for a piece, an experiment.
    It can be random marks , pasting a bunch of stuff you wanna keep int here for later, or a page where you roll leftover ink from your brayers

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  • Lesson #1

    Your sketchbook doesn't have to be full of actually finished pieces and it can look super "ugly" it's serving its purpose if it's guiding you to try new things / closer to what feels right to *you*

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Patterns from pattern monster