Rinconcito - Amor as lucha

This is a space by Amor as Lucha to share writing + stuff that doesn't neatly fit into other places
To contact me, you can email me at amoraslucha-code@pm.me


  • 📌


    I first published this site when i was just starting to dive deeper into coding websites, becoming familiarized with scss + php and damn! … i was thinking this spot needs a refresh, so here it is :). I’m trying to play around with displaying content in a different way, and get more artsy with it, slowly but surely.

    • Check out my “e-zines” section on the right ➡️ ➡️ I’m planning on some of those zines to be continuously updated.
    • I also moved a thread i had started on my mastodon over here as the section below “Art practice mini-lessons” ⬇️ ⬇️ where i continue my offer to share what my art practice is teaching me about art + everything else.

    Lmk what you think via email! amoraslucha-code@pm.me

See all updates


  • Art Beyond Markets e-zine

    Last updated

    Exploring ideas for collective connection with art and creative practice as a vehicle. I also add what i've witnessed, primarily in Chicago and US South

    Read Art Beyond Markets e-zine
  • Leaving Ig Zine

    Last updated

    Zine about why disinvesting (and ultimately leaving) instagram is great for artists

    Read Leaving Ig Zine

Art practice mini-lessons

  • Trust that even in your unfinished pieces and your doodles, stuff is happening. Even when it's all you do for a month - stuff is happening. You're still learning, growing, getting ideas for other work, and just... being. A capitalist society that glorifies productivity will have you believe that only finished pieces are proof that you're moving forward - this is untrue
  • This one's about art collabs - Set boundaries when collaborating with others that honors everyone's contributions and sets clear expectations. Boundaries should not create barriers for working together, they should be there to make all collaborators' input / creativity be heard / seen and respected
See all mini-lessons